While coronavirus will prevent the citrus industry from gathering this year at Citrus Expo, it will not stop growers from getting the education they need.
The “live” virtual portion of the 2020 Citrus Expo educational program will be held Aug. 19–20 and will include door prizes. If you’re lucky, you could walk away with one of four $200 Bass Pro gift cards!
The online virtual event will include three parts: 1) a general session for everyone, 2) a citrus program and 3) a vegetable and specialty crop program.
In the general session, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Director of Cannabis Holly Bell will give an update on the state’s hemp program. Bell made a big splash at last year’s Expo, and we are excited to welcome her back to the event. She’ll discuss how the Florida hemp program is becoming the role model for the country. The general session also is expected to cover trade and water issues, two major current concerns for Florida growers.
Some of the topics University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researchers are planning to speak about in the citrus program include:
- Soil health and cover crops
- Soil amendments and conditioners for root health
- Tree care considerations for individual protective covers
- Economics of grove management
- Nutrition and irrigation consideration for HLB management
- Exotic viral diseases
- Performance of rootstocks and varieties
The seminars will remain available online after the virtual event, but there will be additional content available exclusively for those who attend the virtual two-day program. It is expected that continuing education units will be available toward the Florida restricted-use pesticide license as well as the Certified Crop Adviser designation for those viewing the seminars.
Not to be missed in the virtual event will be a special vendor corner. This is where exhibitors and sponsors will share their industry expertise and connect with attendees.
Registration is sponsored by Syngenta, and details will be provided soon on how to sign up for the event. For now, mark your calendar for virtual Citrus Expo on Aug. 19–20. Please note that this is one week later than Citrus Expo was originally planned for.
For more information, stay tuned to CitrusExpo.net, email CitrusExpo@AgNetMedia.com or call 352-671-1909.