The 2021 Citrus, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Expo is quickly approaching! In order to make the most of your experience, here’s everything you should know before you go.
- Wednesday, Aug. 18
- Breakfast will be served at 7:30 a.m. Enjoy complimentary sausage and biscuits before walking the trade show floor.
- Lunch will be served at 12:10 p.m. on the trade show floor.
- The Grower Networking Reception will be from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Join us for complimentary food, drinks and fun!
- Thursday, Aug. 19
- Breakfast will be served at 7:30 a.m. Enjoy complimentary sausage and biscuits before walking the trade show floor.
- Lunch will be served at 12:10 p.m. on the trade show floor.
- Check out the trade show until 2 p.m.
A not-to-be missed feature at Expo this year is the Florida Ag Issues session on Thursday morning. Distinguished speakers from throughout the United States will discuss hot issues in Florida agriculture, including COVID-19 updates, carbon markets, unfair imports and labor. No matter what you grow, this session is for you.
The Citrus and Vegetable and Specialty Crop seminar programs will take place over the two-day event. Both programs will provide research updates on key grower issues. Growers attending these programs will have the opportunity to earn continuing education units toward the Florida restricted-use pesticide license and the Certified Crop Adviser designation.
Be sure to check out the full seminar schedule here.
Expect to see live equipment demonstrations this year. Demonstrations of the latest technologies from Michelin will take place in the parking lot outside of the seminar hall.
On Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., the trade show hall will come alive with food, drinks and music! The Grower Networking Reception, which will include complimentary appetizers and an open bar, will provide a great opportunity for growers to mingle with their peers and the Expo exhibitors.
Also during the Grower Networking Reception, a lucky winner will go home with a fantastic Backyard BBQ Bundle from the FFA raffle! The Citrus, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Expo is proud to partner with Florida FFA to help support the future of Florida agriculture. Be sure to find an FFA state officer on Wednesday at the trade show to buy raffle tickets and support a great cause.
For more details on the Citrus, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Expo, including host hotel information, visit CitrusExpo.net or e-mail CitrusExpo@AgNetMedia.com.
To preregister, click here or call 352-671-1909. All preregistered growers will be eligible for a chance to win a John Deere gun safe, courtesy of Everglades Equipment Group.