PRVCGA Looking Forward to Citrus Expo

The Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association (PRCVGA) has focused on rebranding itself over the last few months and is looking forward to sharing its mission with growers at the 2019 Citrus Expo.

Kait Shaw

Kait Shaw, executive director of PRVCGA, is excited to attend her very first Citrus Expo. Although this will be Shaw’s first Citrus Expo, PRCVGA’s directors have been attending for many years.

“Citrus Expo is definitely something that is highly anticipated throughout the year. Everybody is excited to go and spend a few days down in Fort Myers at the expo,” Shaw says. “Our members are the salt-of the-earth type of guys. They spend 365 days a year working on their own groves, so Citrus Expo is the time and place where everything is in one place. Anything and everything they could think of, or even anything they might not have known that they needed, is brought to their attention. It’s all in one place and they can grasp it right then and there.”

Shaw likes to think of Citrus Expo as a “one-stop shop” for growers. She believes the event is valuable because growers can attend at their leisure and cherry-pick what they want to talk about and what they’re interested in. Growers can explore all the different resources available to them in one location.

PRVCGA will have a booth set up where growers can gather and mingle over boiled peanuts. The association will also have some brochures to give growers a little bit more information about PRVCGA.

Citrus Expo and VSC Expo will take place Aug. 14–15 at the Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers, Florida. Growers will not want to miss this year’s event, so don’t wait. To preregister, click here or call 352-671-1909.

Due to a staggering amount of support, Citrus Expo is currently sold out of indoor exhibitor space, but there are outdoor booths available. If you would like to exhibit outdoors or be added to the waiting list for indoor space, please fill out a registration form.

Information about the seminar sessions will be available soon. To learn more, visit