This year, the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo will be in a new location but with the same great traditions of learning and networking. The two-day event will provide educational seminars for commercial growers and industry members.
Seminar sessions will be held both days, including a general session and concurrent citrus and vegetable/specialty crop sessions. The seminar planning committee has strived to provide the hottest topics for citrus and specialty crop growers. Sessions will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 16.
Here are some of the highlights of this year’s seminar program:
- Sourcing disaster relief funds
- What’s new in crop insurance, including tropical storm coverage
- Florida Best Management Practices Program update
- Use of artificial intelligence in Florida groves
- How to protect new citrus plantings from pests and diseases
- Keeping soil healthy with cover crops in citrus groves
- New information on citrus weed management
- Promising new citrus scions and rootstocks
- New pest alert: Thrips parvispinus
- Whitefly and other insect pest management in vegetable crops
- New fertilizer recommendations for tomato and potato
- Vegetable disease management
- Irrigation optimization techniques
Complete details about the seminar sessions are coming soon.
Join us in Tampa for the best Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo yet! Attendance is free with complimentary breakfast and lunch both days for commercial growers.
Growers, preregister now for a chance to win a John Deere gun safe, courtesy of Everglades Equipment Group.
Don’t miss your chance to exhibit at Florida agriculture’s premier trade show! AgNet Media is nearly sold out of exhibitor space. If you would like to exhibit at the event, please fill out a registration form.
To learn more, including host hotel information, visit CitrusExpo.net.