Last week, a new state officer team was elected to serve Florida FFA. These seven individuals have worked hard for years to prepare for this opportunity.

The 2023–24 Florida FFA officer team is:
- President: Kayelee Ehrisman
- Secretary: Jenna Larson
- Area I: Makenleigh Bledsoe
- Area II: Hunter Sharp
- Area III: Mackenzie Cunningham
- Area IV: Emma Self
- Area V: Spencer Baylor
The officer team will be joining AgNet Media in Tampa for the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo. The Expo is one of the first big events the officers will attend during their year of service. These young leaders play a key role in the success of the Expo.
They will be selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a state-of-the-art smoker, donated by Hays-LTI. Over the years, this raffle has raised tens of thousands of dollars for the association. Look for an officer on the trade show floor to buy a raffle ticket and support the future of agriculture. The drawing will take place during the networking reception on Wednesday, Aug. 16. You must be present to win.
AgNet Media is proud to offer free registration for commercial growers. All preregistered growers will be entered to win a John Deere gun safe, courtesy of Everglades Equipment Group. Preregister here.
The show is almost sold out of exhibit space! If you are a company looking to exhibit, act fast. Limited indoor and outdoor booth space is available. Click here to register for a booth.
A complete seminar program will be available soon. To learn more, including host hotel information, visit